Welcome to The Fit Journal

Stay fit, happy

The Fit Journal is a blog about fitness and Nordic lifestyle. We are here to inspire, motivate and get you feeling healthier in the process! Whether you want to lose weight, tone up or just feel better in your skin – we have got something for everyone.

As Featured IN:
Kerry Therese
Kerry Therese

Chief Editor & Fitness Coach

The Fit Journal is a blog about fitness and Nordic lifestyle.

The Fit Journal was created to help people live healthy and active lives through fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle. We share our passion for the Nordic culture with our readers by providing a variety of articles that cover topics like injury prevention, how to make your own food at home, or the latest health trends in Scandinavia.

“The team behind the site are two people with different backgrounds: one as an entrepreneur, the other as a health coach.”

Featured Articles

The blog offers an assortment of articles on fitness plans tailored to different levels, tips on how to get started in the gym or at home, as well as health-related topics such as healthy eating habits and how they relate to weight loss.

Don't let the excuses stop you from getting fit

You know the excuses. You don’t have time to work out because you’re busy with family, friends and your job. You can’t afford a gym membership or personal trainer (or maybe you just don’t want one). It’s too hard for beginners to get started. 

4 Simple Steps for a Successful Workout

It’s always easy to fall back on excuses when it comes to fitness. “I don’t have time.” “It’s too expensive.” “I’m not good enough”. But you know what they say about excuses:

Get in shape with these easy exercises at home

It’s been said that if you want to change your life, start by changing something small. If you’re not happy with the way you look or feel, don’t let excuses stop you from getting fit.

Topics we cover

Whether you’re a beginner to the gym, a veteran looking for guidance or just want to reminisce about your past sessions with a daydream session in your head, we’ve got you covered.

Meet The Experts

The Fit Journal: won’t let you exercise in the dark. Track, plan and motivate with our easy to use Day-to-Day Planner, Workout Schedule and Meal Guides.”