Leg day gym workout

woman, running, run

Most people only think about working out their upper body – but it’s so important with leg workouts too! Your legs are just as important as any other muscle group, and they should be worked out regularly. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of leg day workouts and provide a sample routine that you can follow!

Why are leg workouts good for you?

There are many benefits to working out your legs, even if you don’t think they’re the most noticeable part of your body. For one, strong legs can help to improve your overall balance and posture. Also, leg exercises can help to prevent injuries in other parts of your body by improving flexibility and joint stability. A regular leg workout  routine can also help to increase your endurance and aerobic capacity.

There are so many different types of leg exercises that you can do, but some of the most effective ones are squats, lunges, and calf raises (but we will show you a few more). These exercises target all of the major muscles in your legs. To get the most out of your workout, aim to do three sets of each exercise with a challenging weight. Remember to warm up before with some light cardio and stretching.

How often should you do leg workouts?

If you’re new to working out, start by doing leg workouts two or three times per week. As you get stronger and more comfortable with the exercises, you can increase the frequency to four or five times per week. You should always listen to your body and take a day or two of rest in between workouts if you start to feel too sore.

Example of a great leg workout

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get started with the leg day workout!

Warm up: with some light cardio. For cardio we recommend running, jumping jacks, or light jogging. Always remember to stretch.

Squats: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body down into a squat position by pushing your hips back and bending at the knees. Keep your chest up and make sure your knees don’t extend past your toes. Return to the starting position and repeat for three sets of twelve reps.

Lunges: You start in a standing position with your right leg forward and your left leg back, keeping your upper body upright. Lower your body down by bending at the knee of your front leg until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position by pressing off of your front leg and bringing your back leg forward. Repeat for twelve reps on each side, for a total of twenty-four reps.

Calf raises: Start by placing your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointing forward. Keeping your core engaged, raise your heels so you’re standing on your toes. Hold for a second and then lower back down to the starting position. Repeat for twelve reps.

Hamstring curls: For this exercise you will need a resistance band. Start by looping the band around your ankles and lay down on your back with your palms flat on the ground. Keep your core engaged, curl your legs up towards your butt, then slowly lower back down to the starting position. Repeat for twelve reps.

Glute bridge: Start by lying flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground and shoulder-width apart, legs bent to 90 degrees. Drive your heels into the ground, and lift your hips and upper body off the ground until your thighs and upper body are in line with each other. Pause for a second at the top of the position, then lower back down to the starting position. Repeat for twelve reps.

Leg extension:  Start by sitting on the edge of a bench with your legs hanging off and a dumbbell in each hand. Place your hands on your thighs for support and raise one leg straight out in front of you, keeping your core engaged. Return to the starting position and repeat for twelve reps on each side.

Cool down: with some light stretching.

There you have it! A simple but effective leg day workout that you can do at home or at the gym. Remember to warm up, stretch, and listen to your body. Cheers!

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